Top stories
2015/16 Budget: help us invest in our future by sharing your savings or revenue ideas
While the senior leadership team has ideas of where we can find budget savings to help the university’s reinvestments for the 2015/16 budget, we want to know where YOU see our opportunities. You’re the closest to the work and can see opportunities for long-term changes right now.
While we try to encourage this kind of conversation daily, now’s the time to make a special effort to gather your team and to have a frank discussion about where we can find savings or reasonable sources of revenue.
In the coming weeks the BOLT team will come around to the shops and departments to meet with you and your coworkers to gather your thoughts and proposals and share our vision on the direction of the UBC.
Core service versus cost recovery: now you can find the difference on our website
Every wonder what is considered cost recovery versus a core service? Are your customers asking you?
Denise Pearce’s team has created a quick reference table to help people understand the difference. It’s now published to our website for easy reference by you or our customers.
The EAOS Team thanks you for your participation and feedback
The main hallway way at USB has been hopping with great discussion. The EOAS team is thankful to everyone for all your feedback and insights. Please remember, next week are the scheduled feedback sessions with various groups to compile all the feedback and to verify the current state, issues and gaps. Check the events list for dates and times.
Incident/Accident Report Forms are now available online
Effective immediately, incident/accident investigation forms are to be completed online. No more paper submissions. Forms are automatically added to the central data base to capture incident/accident statistics for the campus when completed.
Supervisors/managers and worker safety representatives will continue to complete an investigation. Then enter the information on the online form for submission. Follow this link to access the new form.
Quick updates
- Farewell Pat Patterson
- Creative thinking pays-off: construction remnant brush-off mats coming to main entrances of USB
- NPS Score increased to 84%; with 25 responses, 4 promoters and 2 detractors