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Blue Phone Team Celebrates coming in at 30% of market bid prices
Last week, the Blue Phone Project Team again wanted to extend thanks to the Building Operations team—with a pizza lunch—for delivering the project at 30% cost of market price. Good job, gang!
Ice Cream Social will not have water balloon dodgeball – your new ideas are welcomed
While water balloon dodgeball is fun, we decided to look for another fun and competitive team activity that is less likely to result in folks getting hurt! (We don’t want people dodging water balloons only to hit the concrete.) Please brainstorm ideas with your crews and pass them along to Caroline Soriano or your manager.
This week’s special feature: Custodial Services
Did you know that the Custodial Department makes up almost one half of employees in Building Operations? We are like ninjas—we clean the campus before you can see us come and go.
Our staff are on shift 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every day, we clean over 8 million square feet, including over 1,400 washrooms–we make sure there’s enough toilet paper in your washroom, so we’re good people to be friends with. We’re also responsible for cleaning and setting up spaces for high profile and important events such as final exams, graduation, weddings, and competitions.
Have you seen how shiny the floors are in Pharmacy? Or Allard? Or Kaiser? That’s because of us! During the summer, we carefully strip, scrub, wax and burnish the floors across campus to make sure they are ready for our students in September.
E-mails may be marked as SPAM–UBC IT/IS implements new rules to protect campus against SPAM/Phishing
Recently, we’ve seen an increase in suspicious email messages targeting university email accounts and an increase in the number of compromised CWL accounts. To mitigate the risk of a potential security breach, UBC IT/IS will now tag emails as medium risk based on sender reputation, network intelligence (i.e. if others have reported this message as spam) and message content.
As a result, you may see more emails tagged as [Potential Spam] or with URLs blocked. As these rules are implemented, check your spam folders to ensure that messages with external partners and vendors are not misidentified.
Shrubs growing too big? Tree branch hanging too low? Tell the Service Centre
As the landscape on campus is growing, this can block sightlines for pedestrians and drivers. If you notice shrubs, trees or bushes that need to be trimmed back from traffic signs, curbs, or sidewalks, please pass this information along to the Service Centre or Landscape Shop.
Transition walkthrough assessment of AMS Nest will take place next month
AMS Nest coming to one year post substantial completion, which means the one-year warranty period walk-through will be happening over the next month. Make sure your Transition Team Representative is aware of any deficiencies you may have discovered during your work in the building.
No parking or driving on the plaza near old SUB/Aquatic Centre
Quick but very important reminder that there are to be absolutely no vehicles on the plaza just south of the old SUB (adjacent to the current Aquatic Centre). This is a suspended slab roof over the basement area of SUB and it was not designed to carry the weight of vehicles.