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2016 Staff Excellence Awards – call for committee members
Our Staff Excellence Awards are a great way to recognize colleagues that demonstrate excellence at work in areas of leadership, innovation, customer service, health, wellness and safety, teamwork, and inspiration (aka the Kim Nulty Award).
We will soon be opening the nomination process for our 2016 Staff Excellence Awards and therefore, would like to get the committee together ASAP.
If you would like to be part of the committee that evaluates the nominations and selects the best of the best in each award category, please let your Head or Manager know on or before this Thursday.
If you are wondering what your commitment would be as a committee member, here is what’s involved:
- Participate in a 15-20 minute pre-meeting to understand the goals and selection process
- Canvass nominations in your shop or any other shop for employees that do outstanding work
- Review the list of nominations prior to the awards selection meeting
- Attend and participate in the selection process
This is a fantastic opportunity to have a voice in the selection process as well as recognition for stepping up and helping to make a difference. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Flood and Wind Preparations were appreciated
Thanks to all who stepped up and helped prepare some of our usual problems spots to prevent damage. Great proactive work!!
Customer Services put their brains together to build a brilliant game plan of how to prep for what was being touted as the storm of the year with high winds and very high rainfall .
Labourers did a great job prepping campus to minimize the effects of flood waters at:
- War Mem Gym, South and North Basement entrance to mechanical room
- North East Stairs in Old Sub Building
- Wesbrook – ramp into Mechanical Room
- IRC Loading bay ramp – check drains
- Forest Sciences – Ribbon Drain -check because of Build up
And many thanks to the staff who cleared our roof scuppers and drains, ensured our sump pumps are working and also to the landscape crews who thought ahead to close the walking paths under the poplars near Woodward. Thanks!
Local First Aid attendants now on call for evening shift
Congratulations to Patricia, Rubilyn and Oriente on taking the initiative and completing their Level 2 Occupational First Aid.
Thanks to these three members of our Custodial team, we’re now able to offer First Aid attendants during the evening shift. Similar to day shift, now all Building Ops staff can call 778-888-7943 to contact the local first aid attendant.
No first aid attendant on duty? No problem! After 6 rings you will automatically be connect to 2-4444 and help will be on the way. Remember: If it’s an emergency, call 2-4444 directly.
Drop! Cover! Hold On! Shakeout earthquake drill this Thursday at 10:20am
Get ready to Shake Out! On October 20th at 10:20 a.m., participate in the 2016 Great British Columbia ShakeOut earthquake drill by practicing DROP! COVER! HOLD ON!
Practice what to do when an earthquake strikes, and once the shaking stops. ShakeOut BC is a timely reminder for everyone to learn the risks, get prepared, and make a plan in the event of an earthquake.
Start by developing an emergency preparedness plan and update your emergency supplies with essential items you may need if there is no power or tap water. Consider a safe location to reunite with your family and loved ones. Phone and internet may not be available, so it is essential to your state of mind to have a plan for everyone to follow, if a disaster hits.
If you are registered for UBC Alert, you will receive a text message on October 20th, announcing the start of ShakeOut. UBC Alert is an important part of maintaining safety and security during an emergency on campus. Register and verify your information on today.
We all have a role in making our campuses safe. Be pro-active, and learn more about earthquake preparedness at
Get Your Free Flu Shot at USB: October 26 and 27
The flu bug wants to get up close and personal. Who wants a hug from a bug? Boost your wellbeing and get your free flu shot—it’s your best protection against the flu.
Two clinics will be offered next week at the Wellness Centre in USB for Building Ops and SHHS staff, although other staff, faculty and students may also attend.
No appointment necessary. Wait times may vary.
- Wednesday, October 26 from 3:30pm to 8:30pm.
- Thursday, October 27 from 6:30am to 4:30pm.
Can’t make the clinics listed above? Clinics will be offered on campus October 26-November 10. For the full list of locations, visit
Start getting your creative juices flowing for the (Pumpkin) Carving for kids contest
Registration for “Kid to Work Day” is still open
Kids to Work Day is on November 2. Parents with children in Grade 9 are encouraged to bring their children for the day. Due to the nature of the work done at the university, and the potential safety hazards involved, a guided day of activities (including lunch) will be planned for students who are unable to spend the day on the job with their parent. Parents are also invited to the lunch.
Registration Deadline: Friday, October 21, 2016
For more details or to register, please contact Caroline Soriano at 604-822-4178
October Safety Competition: Spot the Risks!
We introduced a new safety game competition in last week’s newsletter, where a new photo will be released each month. Then, in your shop talks, identify as many risks as you see in that photo. For every risk/ problem identified, your shop will receive 1 point. Submit answers via email to Alex Bradshaw by the last day of the month. At the end of the month, the responses will be tallied and points awarded. The shop with the most points at the end of the year wins a prize!
For the photo below, identify as many risks as you can and send them in by October 31st to Alex Bradshaw.