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Town Halls Next Week – Thoughtful Questions Welcome
Major topics for updating at this town hall are:
- Leadership Development Program
- Deferred Maintenance and the current state of our buildings
- EAOS update
Quick updates on:
- contractor activities and reporting
- new construction (building and landscape) handover
- Time Card Project
- Attraction & Retention
There will be time for questions. We have heard that some people would like more opportunities for Q&As. While we’ve been trying to get the Q&A portion to happen in our crew talks, where people can have a better discussion and more focused to their area, there is also merit in questions in a larger setting.
Prepare your questions ahead of time. Ask a question that will be relevant to the whole audience. Ask in a way that is constructive – as you are more likely to get a thoughtful answer. And manage your time so that others can ask their questions.
If you want to send your questions in advance to Karyn Magnusson, we will be sure to get ones relevant to the majority answered first.
For times and locations, check out the posters around USB.
Clothing and Laundry vendors on site October 6 from 9:30 – 11:30 in the USB Atrium
Calling all Municipal and Trades Staff!
We are in the process of evaluating 5 proposals submitted by clothing and laundry vendors through the RFP process.
How does this affect you? We are looking to improve the current laundry service you receive at the best possible price and provide you with quality and comfortable clothing.
As part of this evaluation process we have invited Unifirst, G&K Services, Cintas, Alsco and Canadian Linen (the 5 respondents to the RFP) to bring clothing samples for you to look at and give us your feedback. We have created a score card that will help you evaluate the quality, comfort and durability of the clothing samples. It is important you participate so you have a voice in this process, and you only have to evaluate the clothing that you wear on a day-to-day basis.
The vendors will be here this Thursday, October 6 from 9:30 am – 11:30 am in the USB Atrium. Please drop by and spend 15 minutes to help us pick the right clothing for you.
Confined Space Rescue Team trains in Chan Centre
Last week staff from Building Operations and Energy and Water Services performed their annual confined space rescue exercise at the Chan Centre.
It was the first time the team attempted a rescue of this nature—fully vertical with the access point at the bottom, which is significantly more challenging than the typical manhole. The rescue team doesn’t get to put their skills to the test too often so these planned exercises train the rescuers in rigging and rope work. The team also had a chance to learn their strengths and weaknesses as a team, which shows where the team could use more technical training and the training exercises could be improved.
We are glad this group of committed staff continue to keep up their skills as working in confined spaces is a reality of our work.
Bio Sciences Glycol Leak Response
Bio Sciences experienced a significant flood event when glycol from the chilled water for a piece of research equipment leaked into the growth chamber room. Staff were on site to contain and clean the spill. It was an amazingly well-coordinated event by our plumbers, custodial, operating engineers and utilities plumbers with great response from risk management services too.
Canopy Project Wrapping Up Soon
Have you been wondering what is under construction on the north side of USB? Well it is a canopy to create weather protection for garage staff to repair our expanding CNG fleet in a safe and appropriate space. CNG is about 60% the cost of diesel and also reduces our fleet GHG.
Register now for “Kids to Work Day”
Building Operations, EWS, SHHS, and Community Services are encouraging all parents with children in Grade 9 to bring their children to work for the day on November 2, 2016.
For students who are unable to spend the day on the job with their parent due to the nature of the work and the potential safety hazards involved, a guided day of activities (including lunch) will be planned for these students. Parents are also invited to the lunch.
Registration Deadline: Friday, October 21
For more details or to register, please contact Caroline Soriano at 604-822-4178.
Take the Cyber Security Awareness Survey and Win a Free iPad Mini
October is Cyber Security Awareness month! An information breach can happen to anyone. Learn to protect yourself and others around you from cyber criminals.
As a staff member at UBC, we handle a substantial amount of sensitive information, such as student information and financial expenses. We are all responsible for the safety of data at our workplace and in our personal lives.
Find out how cyber secure you are by taking the knowledge quiz! All entries will have a chance to win an iPad mini, or one of two $50 Best Buy gift cards.
Learn more about Cyber Security Awareness at
Join UBC’s United Way Campaign “A Week of Caring”
The UBC Community United Way campaign kicks off October 11th. A Week of Caring includes several campus-wide events to raise money and awareness for poverty and helping seniors and children. Our goal this year is to help 40,000 people in the Lower Mainland.
Event listings
Oct 11th The Great Pancake Race VIII (*Professor Ono will be attending this signature event!)
Oct 12th Turkey 2K Trot
Oct 13th Arts Food Truck Festival
Oct 14th DAE and United Way, Stretch for a Cause
Register your team of colleagues for the race, trot or yoga! Click on their link above for registration details. There will be some pretty amazing prizes to be won at each of these events. We will begin accepting donations on October 11th, or you can pledge online at
October Safety Competition: Spot the Risks!
We introduced a new safety game competition in last week’s newsletter, where a new photo will be released each month. Then, in your shop talks, identify as many risks as you see in that photo. For every risk/ problem identified, your shop will receive 1 point. Submit answers via email to Alex Bradshaw by the last day of the month. At the end of the month, the responses will be tallied and points awarded. The shop with the most points at the end of the year wins a prize!
For the photo below, identify as many risks as you can and send them in by October 31st to Alex Bradshaw.