Going the extra mile—the custodial teams helping UBC transition back to campus
When COVID-19 impacted the university last year, it meant that many of UBC’s faculty and staff had to transition to remote work. For the Custodial Services team, their role required them to stay on campus. These same staff are now working behind the scenes to help UBC as it transitions once more. Read more on […]
President’s blog: COVID-19 Concerns
On August 4, President Santa Ono shared a message addressing COVID-19 community concerns: In just a few short weeks, we will begin the new academic year. I appreciate that many of you have concerns about the return to campus. I have heard directly from many of you, as well as from the AMS, the Faculty Association, […]
Get vaccinated to protect everyone in the UBC community
UBC strongly encourages all community members to get fully vaccinated for COVID-19 before returning to campus. It’s safe and easy. Do your part to protect everyone in the UBC community. Register to get vaccinated for COVID-19: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/register
Reminder: Heat stress safety
As the temperatures rise again this week, a reminder that a new Heat Stress Awareness course has been developed by Safety & Risk Services to increase your awareness of the risk factors and associated heat disorders related to heat stress. The course will also identify controls to protect yourself against heat stress. New Heat Stress Awareness course […]
Workplace learning goes live August 16!
Starting August 16, we are moving safety training tracking online! You will be able to view your safety training and certifications in your Workday profile, by visiting the careers application, and viewing the certifications page. You’ll also be enrolled in a safety training program in Canvas based on your role. Safety training data will be saved […]
New photos available for use on VPFO Flickr
Photos of our HVAC system and how our team members are maintaining safe building ventilation on the Vancouver campus, were recently added to our VPFO Flickr account. Take a look at the full collection of VPFO brand compliant and free photos for UBC staff and faculty to use. New HVAC systems photo album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/vpfo/albums/72157719632281009 View […]
Building a foundation together in Lean Six Sigma
With the launch of the Lean Six Sigma program, we want to take the opportunity to provide additional resources as we learn common terminologies and promote a UBC-wide mindset of collaboration, continuous improvement, and growth. These resources will serve as a refresher for those who have completed their Lean Six Sigma White Belt training and a […]
Managing your mental health
HR has collected mental health resources to help you manage your ups and downs. Our HR representative Arvind Kang (akang03@mail.ubc.ca) and Matt Furgal (matthew.furgal@ubc.ca) is always available for a confidential conversation. Self-guided: Self and Community Care: Building skills to manage stress: Learn to integrate relaxation and your personal needs into your daily life in this self-paced webinar. Self-guided: Wellbeing in the […]
EDI: Robin DiAngelo’s summary on White Fragility
This week’s topic is summary on White Fragility, presented by professor and author Robin Diangelo. Robin’s video shows us an opportunity to reflect on how someone can move from a bystander to an ally in order help stop systemic racism. She specifically explains how ‘white fragility’ plays a key role in upholding systemic racism. If […]
Weekly Emergency Tip: Talk to your kids about emergency preparedness
Are your kids curious about why you are putting together emergency supplies? Include them in the planning and preparation, and discuss the various emergencies your family may encounter. By getting the conversation going now, you could reduce their stress and anxiety during a disaster. For more information on how to involve your kids in emergency […]